
Privacy declaration Somaconstruct N.V.


SOMACONSTRUCT N.V. takes the protection of personal data very seriously. Which is why we made sure that we do everything according to the renewed privacy legislation (better known as AVG or GDPR). Below you can read what we do to protect your data.

For clients and suppliers

When you are a client or a supplier of SOMACONSTRUCT N.V., your personal data is saved and used for purposes of communication concerning price inquiries, price offers, orders, deliveries, invoices and other communications linked to sales and/or purchases. Your data can be exceptionally used for communication concerning SOMACONSTRUCT N.V. or its products. This will be in the form of emails or communication about information which is in our opinion of great importance, such as price changes, changes in our terms and conditions etc. We cannot simply remove you from our database as our client or supplier. There are legal deadlines for keeping data, which we always need to respect.

Non-costumers and -suppliers

When you, as non-costumer or -supplier, ask for information via our website, via email, by calling or by visiting us, we ask you for your personal data so your request can be well-handled. This data can be added to our database. We only do this when we have understood that you would like to be kept up-to-date about our products.

Data protection

Your data is centralized and is protected against abuse, dissemination and theft. We only use this data in-house and only pass it on to third parties in function of optimizing our services e.g. to a carrier for delivery. We always verify that these third parties also respect the privacy legislation. They cannot pass on this data and are bound to confidentiality. We will never sell your data.

Keeping up-to-date and retention period

We try our hardest to keep your data up-to-date. Which is why we also ask for your help: inform us when your data changes, so we can immediately adapt it in our database.

Exercising your privacy rights

According to the privacy legislation EU-directive 2016/679 from 04.05.16 (also known as GDPR) you always have the right to check your data, correct mistakes or delete data from our file. You can always contact us for this or for any other questions you may have via email (info@soma.be) or you can call us (+32 2 252 36 04).

Cookie policy

This ‘Cookie policy’ regulates the usages of cookies on this website somaconstruct.be.

What are cookies?

We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small, simple file that is sent along with the pages of this website and is saved on your computer by your browser. The information that is saved there, can be sent back to our servers during your next visit.

Use of session cookies:




Holding time


Microsoft ASP

Used to distinguish users

Until closing the internet browser

Classic ASP session cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by the web server in the user's browser.

They are used to remember the user's identity and preferences when visiting a website.

Classic ASP session cookies are essential for the operation of the entire site, as they enable various functions to be performed.

Classic ASP session cookies have a limited lifespan and are automatically deleted when the user closes the browser or a certain period of time passes. They are secure and cannot be used to steal personal data or spread malware. Classic ASP session cookies are an important part of the web development process and ensure a better user experience.

By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies.

Enabling and disabling cookies and removing them

More information about cookies can also be found at www.allaboutcookies.org.

More information about online behavioral advertising and online privacy can be found at www.youronlinechoices.eu .

Links to other websites

Links included on the website are for informational purposes only. Despite careful checking of the contents, no liability is accepted, neither for the contents of external links, nor for the respect of a privacy policy identical to the policy as defined herein. When accessing the external links, it is best to read the privacy policy of the website concerned.